Wry smile cheated by the weather

Peering out of the window yet again at the “Light Rain” and allowing a Rule #9 “wry smile to spread across my face”, I doubted that there would be many riders at the ‘Drome.
Sure enough at 8:40 I was looking at a solo ride, but by 9:00 a magnificent 8 of us were ready to earn the title of “badass” (sorry Sarah, I don’t know if there is a female version of “badass”).
After a brief discussion Marvellous Mark graciously let me use my route to Gomshall and the motley mix of G2/G3/G4/MTBers headed out towards Newdigate in the now much lighter rain.
About 10 minutes later any chance of the "badass" title disappeared as the rain died away, the clouds broke up and even the sun came out.
Cheated by the weather again!
 A slight change to the intended route (the descent of Leith Hill might have been tricky with the muddy run off on many roads) took us over Holmbury Hill to Gomshall - well most of us anyway. Nick unsurprisingly added his own variations to the route and went via Leith Hill regardless and arrived at the teastop somewhat later than the rest of us, even Richard who had opted in Capel to follow us at a more leisurely pace.
Suitably refreshed and realising that that there had been a shower while we were gossiping in Tillings (couldn‘t even time the tea-stop right), we headed back via Peaslake where Jules brought his dirty side habits with him and had a mechanical - can’t remember any group road ride ever when someone broke their chain. This provoke an outburst of unkind remarks from Nick, so we let him go his own way again in Ewhurst.
In Capel, Mark and co headed off towards Rusper for some extra distance and more pace, while Sarah, Jules, Keiran and I kept to G2/3ish pace back to the ‘Drome, by which time I think the faded “wry smiles” had become big “contented smiles” - mine certainly had.
And maybe we earned the title "badass" just for showing up expecting bad weather!
Thanks everyone - a very enjoyable ride despite the nice weather!
PS. After packing the bike in the car, I took off my rain jacket and headed for the ‘Drome café for a recovery drink and rock cake. 10 minutes later it was pouring with rain and I got soaked walking back to the car!
PPS. No ride stats . Rides are to be measured by quality, not quantity - Rule #68.
PPPS. Should you by any remote chance not know what on earth I’m talking about, you’ll find the Rules here > http://www.velominati.com/the-rules/
Event / Article Type
Road Ride 24-05-14
Wry smile wasted