TT Series Round 10

Nicer weather meant a significantly larger turnout than previous week. A good effort from Matt Peel to take the scratch and a dominant effort from Stuart Bunt to take the handicap despite a great ride from Henry Hunter.


Thanks to Stuart Bunt for doing the signs and Will Henton for timekeeping.




1. Matt Peel (RCC) 19:26 ( + 0:19 )
2. Danny York 20:44
3. Henry Hunter (RCC) 21:07 ( -0:45 )
4=. D. Jones 21:22
4=. A. Drake 21:22
6. J. Bradbourne (RCC) 22:14 ( -0:18 )
7. S. Bunt (RCC) 22:29 ( -0:48 )
8. G. Cox 22:40
9. R.Hicks 22:46
10. Jane 25:11
11. A. Murray (RCC) 25:24 ( -0:04 )
12. G.Brash (RCC) 25:26
13. J. McMullin DNF
Event / Article Type
RCC 2016 TT Series #10