Cross country MTB ride enjoys superb conditions

8 of use headed off for a 23 mile loop from the Milton Heath fisheries car park to Albury, Blackheath and up some back trails to the top of Winterfold Hill.

Everyone stopped an hour in to admire the views of the Surrey hills . At this stage lots of smiles as they admired the view of where we were going. 2 hours later 8 weary riders arrived in Peaslake for a well deserved tea stop.

The sun was hot and the back routes up to Winterfold  were nice and dry, in fact so dry our bikes were sinking into the sand; hard work and the odd wobble unexpected dismount. 16 legs were very grateful for the down hill single tracks to Peaslake.

Don't  know what Trudy put in the tea but we did the ride back to the cars in record time


Event / Article Type
20220514 XC Fisheries
20220514 XC group